Sunday, February 10, 2008

more prescriptions on avoiding burn out

just smile.
just relax.
just forgive.

it's not just about doing someone a favor.. it's about doing YOURSELF A FAVOR BY NOT WORRYING ABOUT EVERY TINY THING.

take it easy,


blogger on blogspot

so i actually have the official blog hosted on the domain of the same name... but i'm keeping two blogs up just to see if exposure is oooooooooooookay. so feel free to visit this neverburnoutrx blog......... from time to time =)

Friday, February 8, 2008

never burn out rx | a prescription for avoiding burn out

So I've started another janette blog... over at on not burning out anymore, but I thought I'd do a bit over here on blogger and stir up some hopefully good stuff.

First, the point of never burning out again is to avoid the emotional and mental anguish that comes from pushing yourself too quickly, too hard. that said, now sometimes this comes about from not pushing yourself at all.

here are some quick rules:

1. everyday take 20 minutes to enjoy your loved ones and the things you love doing
2. understand that life is bigger than you are
3. understand that the weight of the world does not rest on your shoulders